Help shape CEA's future by becoming a member of the FarmTech Society

FarmTech Society is supported by the European Union’s Interreg Programme – Learn More
FarmTech Society is supported by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme – Learn More
FarmTech Society Supports the Sustainable Development Goals – Learn More Here
FarmTech Society unites the Controlled Environment Agriculture Sector
FarmTech Society (FTS) is an international non-profit association dedicated to advancing the Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) sector. As a unifying voice for the industry, FTS fosters pre-competitive collaboration through broad representation and shared initiatives. Our mission focuses on delivering a harmonized message, developing feasible standards and workforce profiles, and achieving validated recognition of the CEA sector among all relevant stakeholders.
Out Latest News

🌟Reflecting on 2024: Shaping the Future of CEA Together🌟
The FTS member consortium around vocational workforce development for Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) have been working hard with all types of stakeholders to launch a highly interactive and learner oritented

GLOBALG.A.P. attends exclusive pre-opening event as part of the Inhouse Farming – Feed & Food Show, EnergyDecentral, and EuroTier 2024
On November 11, 2024, Friedrich Lüdeke, Trainer and Consultant for Standard Management (Crops), accepted an invitation from FarmTechSocie Titled “Addressing the Elephant in the Room: Renewable Energy Solutions for the

FTS Knowlegde Exchange Meetup: Greenhouse Energy Shift
Greenhouse energy shift: accelerate the transition to renewable energy Invitation to our monthly FTS Knowlegde Exchange Meetup with the team from REGreenhouse, an Interreg North-West Europe-project: Join us for the
The FarmTech Society is enlisted in the EU Transparency Register with #469686733585-87
An Introduction to FarmTech Society
Become part of the transition for a circular resilient food system that will offer nutritious healthy regional products and secure careers for all STEM profiles! Grow together with CEA, make a meaningful contribution!
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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.