FarmTech Society ASBL (FTS) is an international non-profit industry association that unites and supports the Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) industry, seeking to strengthen the sector through the development and implementation of resilient and future proof methods and technologies for indoor growing.
FTS addresses the need to increase the production for nutritious and healthy food products without damaging the planet, restore the soils and allow new career options and living wages for agriculture professionals.
FarmTech Society is enlisted in the EU Transparency Register
Our History
The association was founded in November 2018 at the urging of multiple stakeholders to create an international umbrella organisation focused on the CEA industry and its practices. As this innovation-driven sector has turned into a global phenomenon in many forms and shapes, there is a growing need for a platform that is aimed to create a level playing field for CEA in the agriculture landscape.
The founders’ rationale was the increasing evidence that the current food production system needs to be radically improved: waste and use of resources need to be reduced, synthetic inputs must be made obsolete, while producing more nutritious, local products with no carbon-footprint.
Our Values & Goals
FarmTech Society is devoted to shaping sustainable, resilient, competitive and inclusive food production systems, globally, by scaling up the CEA industry to fully unlock its multiple benefits. CEA is the future of food production systems in the rise of resource depletion, economic shocks, environmental crises and climate volatility.
Uniting the CEA industry at a pre-competitive level is the way forward! Building a common framework for the industry is key to its scaling up, offering enhanced economic opportunities and solutions to global challenges.
The driving motivation for FTS is to expand and take up active roles globally in the shaping of standards, policy positions and narratives, and workforce development actions on behalf of the industry—ultimately creating attractive careers in agriculture!